“Daddy, I Don’t Love You!”

Well, I finally got mine this week.

I’ve heard that it happens to every parent. It’s really just a matter of time and there really isn’t anything you can do to stop it. You can set up the circumstances and plan as best you can, but even the most skilled veteran parents are going to get it at some point or another. I’ll admit, I don’t know that I expected it this early – is four years of parenthood even considered early? – but I figured it was coming sooner or later.

Last week, E told me he didn’t love me.  Continue reading ““Daddy, I Don’t Love You!””

“Unleash the Tantrum!”

With all due respect to Jim Carrey, I’ve got a better one.

E is turning two in June and he looks every bit the part. Far gone are the days of the goofy little smiles, rattle distractions and innocent cries that beg for food or comfort. They have been replaced by full belly laughs, Sesame Street videos and demands requests that are getting clearer by the day.  Continue reading ““Unleash the Tantrum!””

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