Sleep Like a Baby? Yeah, Right.

I’ve been sleeping on the couch for almost a week. Not only that, another man has taken my spot in the bed.

I’m not in the proverbial doghouse; I haven’t done anything to make T upset with me, although one of our doormen seems to think I have.1 There’s also nothing wrong with my bed; I’m not on the couch because the mattress has a spring sticking out or anything. The couch is just where I’ve been sleeping recently. It’s actually really comfortable, but, of course, I’d rather be in my bed.

As with so many parenting situations, I have to sleep on the couch because of my children.  Continue reading “Sleep Like a Baby? Yeah, Right.”

The Five Stages of Sleep Deprivation

I have some good news and some bad news.

Good news: there have been signs of progress in E’s sleep training. Last week, on consecutive nights, he slept straight through until 4:30 and 5:15.
Bad news: he woke up three times during each of the following two nights.1

Good news: E only woke up once last night.
Bad news: it took him close to an hour and a half to fall back asleep.

Good news: T has been able to get a better night’s sleep because I’ve been getting up to put E back down at night.
Bad news: there is no bad news here. T chases after E all day, every day; I can deal with being tired at work.  Continue reading “The Five Stages of Sleep Deprivation”

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